doric Lodge 886

DORIC Lodge No 886 was founded in 1962 and consecrated on the 9th Feb 1963. The consecration took place in the temple belonging to the local German Lodge “Zum goldenen Rade” who meet at the Lortzinghaus. The Lodge was founded because Osnabrück was a large Garrison town and those members of the Craft travelled to Münster to practice their masonry. A Meeting was held after a publication on Garrison orders in June 1962, and a room was found for them. Many Masons turned up and great intrest was shown. The name DORIC came about as this was the second Lodge using the temple and the second one in Osnabrück. We are all proud to be German Masons and the GLBFG is part of the wider United Grand Lodges of Germany which has 4 other constituent Grand Lodges within it. Although we are German Masons, we are a truly International Grand Lodge and we have members from all four corners of the globe making up our ranks. Currently, we have 18 Lodges within our Grand Lodge located all over Germany – from Hamburg in the North, Berlin in the East, Düsseldorf in the West and Munich in the South. Our main concentration of Lodges is North West Germany as a consequence of the British Forces presence in post-war Germany.
Zum Goldenen Rade

DORIC lodge shares the same building and the same temple as Zum Goldenen Rade. Indeed, we have members of DORIC who are affliate members of ZGR. German freemasonary differs to English speaking freemasonary but the same priciples apply.
Below is a brief snippet from there web site.
– Am 30. November 1807 empfing die Loge „ZUM GOLDENEN RADE“ i.O. Osnabrück nach langen politischen Wirren das Licht von der preußischen „Großen Nationalen Mutterloge zu den 3 Weltkugeln“.
– Schon seit 1801 hatten preußische Offiziere mit ortsansässigen Freimaurern unter General v. Blücher eine 3WK Loge „Zur deutschen Eintracht und Brudertreue“ zu gründen versucht.