Charity is always in the forefront of any Masonic meeting and Niederrhein is no different. The Lodge was always encouraging Brethren to donate to Charity. On no fewer than four occasions we were given the chance to put our hands in our pockets.
- On arrival they were selling Commemorative Niederrhein Lapel pins.
- The Charity Column during the meeting.
- The raffle at the Festive Board.
- A guess the number of sweets in the jar tombola.
As regular readers of our Doric Blog will know, when we visit anywhere we always take the SCHAKI money box and a SCHAKI mug, in the hope that our hosts will allow us to play “Heads and Tails” at the Festive Board to raise some money for our Lodge Charity. Permission was granted and a fifth opportunity was given to the Brethren to donate to a well worth cause,